According to a July 2020 Gartner Survey, 82% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely some of the time, while nearly half of the leaders surveyed plan to green light working from home ALL of the time. This means that the newest normal looks less like our old normal.
Do you remember the futuristic animated television series The Jetsons? Our younger selves were so impressed with their predictions of video conferencing, a watchphone, and flat screen TV monitors everywhere. In the midst of all the technology, George Jetson still jumped in his space car every day and headed to his job at Spacely’s Space Sprockets.
Here’s the point we have been trying to make since the beginning of the pandemic: The Jetsons are NOT the best blueprint to guide us in Information Technology! Our sincere apologies to the folks at Hanna-Barbera, but enkompas is a far better consultancy to engage than The Jetsons.
With working from home being the newest normal and the total number of remote workers being the highest in history, IT priorities have been magnified.
- Security: Physical, Network and Cyber Security concerns are similar and related, but not synonymous.
- Resiliency: Do you (or your employees) know what to expect if the Internet or electricity at home escapes their grasp?
- Mobility: Working remotely doesn’t necessarily mean that employees are working from home, does it
- Collaboration: Have you thought about how staff work together when they are apart? We have.
- Flexibility: What if the Gartner-predicted normal is temporary, or, just plain wrong?
While neither Hanna-Barbera nor enkompas IT can PREDICT the future, we can help you PLAN for the future — no matter if you are a fan of The Jetsons or even The Flintstones. If you are going to be a “stone age family” it SHOULD be a “modern stone age family.”
Click here to learn how enkompas IT can better support, protect, and secure your entire remote workforce.