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Is your organization thinking about moving to the cloud? You may have found inconsistencies in your research, making it difficult to separate fact from fiction. To help your decision-making process, we decided to bust three common myths about moving to the cloud.

Myth #1: I have to move everything to the cloud. It’s an all-or-nothing scenario.

Fact: Moving to the cloud can be done at your own pace.

Moving your entire organization to the cloud doesn’t have to happen all at once. Most migrations start with a hybrid approach, which means you start by only moving one or two items. We can help you move workloads to the cloud in phases and help you figure out the best long-term strategy. Remember, when you work with enkompas it’s never all or nothing!

Myth #2: Cloud migration is too much for my organization to handle.

Fact: An implementation expert will do all the heavy lifting.

When you start considering how to move petabytes of data to the cloud, it’s easy to see why organizations think migrating to the cloud is too big a challenge for IT departments. We’re not going to tell you it’s simple, but you really can get up and running quickly when you partner with a seasoned expert that has a proven methodology. enkompas will help you every step of the way using best practices so your day-to-day work activities will not be disrupted.

Myth #3: Moving to the cloud will give Cyber thieves access to my data.

Fact: It’s your data, not anyone else’s.

This is a top fear about moving to the cloud. Your IT team manages access, sets up rights and restrictions, and provides smartphone access and options. Taking steps to then safeguard your data is a critical step that should not be overlooked. enkompas provides comprehensive security audits and full-time security monitoring to keep your data safe. We also utilize Dark Web ID, powered by Kasaeya, to continuously scan the Dark Web for any stolen or comprised data from your business.

Get Moving – to the Cloud!

enkompas Technology Solutions has over 20 years of experience migrating small and mid-sized businesses to the cloud. If you want to start a conversation about moving to the cloud email info@enkompas.com or call 1-888-257-3198. Our team is happy to bust more myths to support your fact-checking journey!